
Listing Guidlines


SIMONSTOWN.COM aims to provide a one-stop, comprehensive, up-to-date info platform for visitors to the greater Simon’s Town area via an efficient, highly optimised website that showcases all sectors of local business as well as covering places of interest, events, news and more.

If you operate a business based within the Simon’s Town precinct, you won’t want to miss out on this affordable opportunity to be seen on the site, as well as receive continuous promotion via our affiliated social media networks.

SIMONSTOWN.COM is a not-for-profit website funded entirely by its subscribers and is run by a team of resident volunteers who are passionate about our town.

SIMONSTOWN.COM offers to host listings for businesses based in the greater Simon’s Town area specifically (i.e. between Cape Point in the south and Glencairn Heights in the north).

We are unable to list businesses that fall outside of this demarcation. Website listings comprise a description of your service or business including full contact details and suitable pictures. These listings can feature links to your existing website if you have one.

Listing guidelines:

• Visit the relevant area or section on to discover what is “the norm.” If you were providing “Bed & Breakfast” services your listing would naturally appear under “Sleep/ Bed & Breakfast.”
• Prepare your text, and gather your materials: photos, text content, and descriptions.

Picture Sizes:

User Profile Image – 512px x 512px
Listing Image Gallery Image- 515px x 350px
Listing Featured Image – 515px – 350px
Event Image – 750px x 315px

Max upload per listing = 10 images. 

Image size should be no larger than 200kb 

Total image upload allowed = 2mb per listing

Enquiry Form facilities

Enquiry forms are a standard feature of our listings.

Notes and small type

Pages on SIMONSTOWN.COM are fully indexed by the search engines drawing visitors to our site and your web pages. Our internet traffic figures are a verification of this, so host or list with us in full confidence that your listing or pages are reaching the widest possible audience; especially those visitors interested in Simon’s Town!

View our ‘how to list’ video here –

Want To Show Your Business on SIMONSTOWN.COM?

We offer a cost-effective package to boost your business presence

  • Duration: 365 days
  • Map Display
  • Contact Display
  • Image Gallery
  • Video
  • Business Tagline
  • Location
  • Website
  • Social Links
  • FAQ
  • Tags/Keywords
  • Business Hours
  • Events
  • Lead Form